Ah February.... I've never much cared for you. And yet, this month, I was quite satisfied. You gifted me with a special super awesome new boy, excellent winter weather, friggen awesome new blogs to follow, the most epic professor to idolize, and a variety of new image obsessions. Heres a quick rundown of what made February not as shitty as usual:


KITTENS! (duh.)

Bringing back the red hair to go with my green eyes. If only I could pull of this black shit.

Ahhhh... New York City in the snow. It's very eerie. But SO cool

Rugby. Hello.

Excitement for summer hammocks

Caves! How sick is this!?

Snow on my face. On your face. On every face ever. HOLY MOLY THE SNOW

Heel obsession.

Owl obsession! alfjaigankajfkjald adorableness

Harry Potter the Musical. I will always be obsessed with this. And Draco

Johnny Weir. Thank you skating gods. Can he come be my new best friend now?

Images like this.... 1. Trains 2. Traveling 3. Classy 4. Vintage. All I want in my life

CUPCAKES. This particular one looks scarily like Sugar Sweet Sunshine and I'm holding myself back from licking the screen. Damn diet.


Cabin fever causing funky ass nail paintings. Mine are currently lavender with silver tips.

Two birds with one stone: Moleskin. Finally broke down and got one. And these sayings... I've got a crap ton.... "Keep calm and fake a british accent" "keep calm and harry ron" etc etc


Kick ass peacocks with kick ass feathers. You, sir, are BLOWING MY MIND

Red envelopes with giddy feelings.
Even though this is not technically the end of February, I'm hoping that it finishes up soon. So its a preemptive post. I want it to go as quickly as possible- my program is due Monday and I want it to be done already.
Fingers crossed for a snow day tomorrow!