Legacy of Letters from Luca Barcellona on Vimeo.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
My life right now.
First off: layouts for my program. The different colors are the different chapters. All graphs and images or anything in color will be in the color scheme of that chapter. Whaaaat do you think?


Research and Analysis



Design Solution

Secondly: AWESOME PRESENTS from people i love beyond any and everything!

Tiny is a sneaky bitch and used her hookups in the wizarding world to get me illegal candy and other awesomeness. this is my chocolate frog. unfortunately he didnt survive the hot hot trip from florida. still yummy though.

Bertie Bots every flavor. Not as bad as youd think actually.
And I know what youre thinking... 'oh no she didnt!' and I just want to say-
OH YES SHE DID. It will be making the rounds with me for harry potter jeopardy trivia and the movie release!
And mom once again pulled through with the socks and I must say, this years haul is magnificent. It is simply glorious knowing that i have a full month of never-been-worn-before knee high socks. Today I'm wearing those delish teal argyle. Yum.
Thirdly I'd like to let you know that my group won the Penn South voting- if you don't know what I'm talking about i had a group project last semester that tortured my soul, and we were nominated out of our class to present to Penn South (with two other groups from the other classes). At that presentation, they had the guests vote on what design they would most want, and our team won! We get to present two more times to the Board of Trustees and another committee that I can't remember the name of now, but its pretty sick. If the funding comes through I could potentially be graduating with a project that actually... happened? Whoaaa. Plus I get to put it on my resume anyways. Banging.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Life is... good?
My life is full of awesome recently and I just haven't sat down and realized it. Luckily for me- I've finally caught on to taking photos of things that make me happy with my cell phone. And lucky for you I'm about four minutes away from strangling my accurender, so I took a break to do this for ya.

mp3 experiment this year was TODAY. went with my love Taylor and there was gift swap section, which he got this book (and other). I got the one below but he gifted this one to me because the guy who gave it to him moved like he was gonna give it to me first... plus he was super hot. oh tall n nerdy- how i love thee

This is what I got instead. I'm sure that it'll come in handy one day.

There was also a 'draw a continent and pass it on' portion. this is the world I ended up with-including a giant dolphin/swordfish/shark death machine. And antartica sure has a lot of terrain compared to the rest of the world.

A sketch of myself from a stranger. Hello new dating website profile photo!

Taylor covered in tp. Oh the glory of mp3 experiment day.

The rest of new york covered in TP

Oh Hai Shoes.
My most epic flyer ever. Theres a chance I'll get in trouble for this, but I dont care.
Ah yes we also presented to a bajillion people our group project from last semester- including people from the department of aging and the mayors office. But mainly some old ass folks. Woman down in front there- PASSED OUT. Cant wait for that to be me. Also this is johns presentation, but just put a huge red wig on him and you've basically got mine.

Speaking of huge red wig.. check out that fabulousity. Plus my birfday necklace. I'm gonna be hot. And a mess. A hot friggen mess.
Went up to providence for the day and toured RISD including their new library- mom this is their CIRCULATION desk. oooooohhhhhhh!
Game night/ movie night has already turned into 'wrestle you roommate for the sofa' night
My new home away from home- thanks to Elaan. This super secret awesome spot is located in the basement of the building that all my classes are in anyways- so I go down there afterwards to keep working. Its the graduate studies. But them old people dont scare me.
A better photo of the basement. they have huge clean bathrooms and well stocked vending machines, plus its friggen QUIET. Love.
what up dumbo. love it

remember when my mid-class margarita proposed to me? couple o' carrots. (i know its karats)
What up dumbo again. Not a half bad class.
Um so this warehouse was hilarious- those are cardboard cutouts of workers there I'm assuming. Kind of freaked me out but I could also see myself setting that up one day...
Sweet ass ceiling.
Um so we went to governors island. The same day the pirate convention was happening. WHAT ARE THE ARRRRGGGDDDSS?? (....odds....... no?)
all those damn hipster pirates and their bikes
my no skills bracket. Im a tape champion (also that flyer earlier was referring to this)

my AWARD WINNING raspberry cupcakes. TOP SECRET RECIPE..
truck full of ridiculous shit? yes thats a hot pink elephant. and a lion.

THE ONE AND ONLY MS KELLY OKEEFE FINALLY CAME ALL THE WAY TO NYC TO DRINK WITH ME! also on this list- that giant margarita sitting in front of her.

These pants. Oh move in weekend...

Game night numero one! TWISTER
this happened within the first three moves. no lie.

My new door. Metallic snakeskin ftw?

Ms Amelias amazing bedroom. I dont think I could handle this personally, but its so her.

Ignore the most unflattering photo of me in existence- and LOOK AT THAT GIANT MASTIF!

bag of bb? yes please!

I moustache you a question

Pre-game night... also known as bbq night.
If i was a drag queen.... I would be her.
what happens when a bajillion new yorkers get together and play with toilet paper....
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