Since I refuse to reproduce ever in my life, but yet have a big fabulous home, guess what I'm gonna do. Thats right- goodbye extra bedrooms hello mega-walk in closets!

and instead of college funds, how bout some serious shoe funds?

I will name them all and read them bedtime stories and take them to the park to pick up men. Wait, thats kind of inappropriate. Ah, whatevs. [ps say hi to that sweet ass pattern! HIII!!!]
God I really love open closets. No, really. I do. It feels like your shopping every time you go to get dressed in the morning.
Individual cubbies for my favorite shoes? Why, you shouldn't have! You're too kind!
Sliding ladder like in only the most amazing libraries... If only my closet could be the size of the library in Beauty and the Beast. That thing was epic.
Pink, no. Office in your closet? Sure! Why not! I could have a computer that sorted all my shoes with a map and gps locals, especially with my now HUGE closet. I'm just thinking ahead.
Um, very much yes. Who would say no to this? Not me!
Who needs a living room? Honestly? This seems so much more practical.
I love being organized. I love clothes. I hate kids. I think this could work out really really well. And last time I checked, my closet won't get busted for breaking curfew, though I am worried about the parties it will throw when I leave town.
Don't know how I feel about open closets... I'd still prefer it was all behind closed doors. Perhaps a small room adjoining my bedroom? I'm not convinced it has to be kids OR gorgeous closets. I like cake. I like eating it too.
ReplyDeleteHi. Can I please live in your closet with all your shoes?? I can be their nanny or something. Think about it