Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Cheap creativity- whats not to love?

Yesterday I found a jackpot of cool shit on the internet- all VERY affordable. Thought Id share some of it with you:

Banter Banners.... say something better than 'happy birthday' or 'happy anniversary'. Personally, they have one that says "Cullen at heart" that I would most likely rip down from the wall with a scream like a banshee if I was ever to see it, but the rest are kind of great. Find them at (and only $10!)

This I also think is adorable. Return address stamps made of a handwritten calligraphy. Would be fantastic for those people who are trying to save money on wedding invites- I'm sure you could get whatever you wanted made into a stamp. Ch ch ch check it out at and all under $40 looks like.

This one I might have to gobble up. Normally I can't quite stand the whole wall sticker mess... but as a dorm dweller, a headboard is not in my future anytime soon. These vinyl stickers come in a variety of different headboard styles, colors, and sizes, and all you have to do is peel and stick. Hopefully in a level fashion. I'm just featuring the one pattern I would buy, but there are a handful of others over on their site at and most for around $40- a fraction of the cost of a real headboard. Win!

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